# Voice Master

Configure voice-master-related settings for your server.

# Manage Voice Master

# Setup Voice Master Settings:

?voicemaster setup

# Remove Voice Master Settings:

?voicemaster reset

# Guide for Voice Master Settings:

?voicemaster guide

# Voice Roles

Manage server invitations and roles for tracking.Certainly! Here are the commands formatted for both human and bot voice roles:

# Setting Up Voice Role

Hey there! Below are the commands for managing invitations and roles

# Set Human Voice Role

?invc humans <role>

# Set Bot Voice Role

?invc bots <role>

# Configure Voice Roles

?invc config

# Reset Voice Roles

?invc reset

# Category

Voice Master

# Cool Down

  • 5 seconds

# Permissions

  • Server Owner
  • Extra Owner
  • Extra Admin
  • Manage Channels
  • Administrator
  • Administrator

# Requirements

Vote is required
Premium is not required